The Camelbak bladder holds 100ml of liquid. On the bladder I have my purification system, a Sawyer inline water filter. The filter is cut into the bladder tubing and secures onto the tubing with two hose clamps. It only takes minutes to install or uninstall. The filter does not remove viruses but all bacteria, protozoa, cysts and all other microorganisms are removed. Other uses can include a pump pre filter and a inline filter in your gravity bag filter. The package states that the filter handles 1 million gallons. I wont be doing that test, but have owned the sawyer filter for four years with no problems.
Once the filter is removed from the tubing line it is easily cleaned. The filter unscrews from the black casing. The package comes with a faucet adapter. This adapter is used to back wash the filter from any faucet. Once this is done cleaning the filter can be done with 10 drops of chlorine to one quart of water after reassembly is done.
The Sawyer can be bought at REI for $60$. Since i bought my last Sawyer in 2008 the filter has a new face lift and looks different but the basic system is the same.
Disadvantages for this system is that additives to your water like Gatorade powder or flavor enhancers will clog the filter. I speak from experience. At first this sucked but as i left my additive habit i realized that when your thirsty your thirsty!!! Flavor doesn't matter, pure 100% quality h2o quenches any depth of thirst. The filter is on the outside of my pack which could get damaged by weather or extreme use of the backpack. Nothing has happened yet, fingers crossed! Because the filter is in my bladder line i can't filter water through it for cooking. I don't need to as i always boil my water first before any cooking is done therefore this disadvantage just got undissed. OK, so what if the water i am going to store in my bladder has alot of precipitates. Then a simply trick will work. A cheap paper coffee filter works to remove the precipitates.
The advantages far out weight the disses. Most water treatments are larger and heavier that this filter, therefore I weight less and am carrying less. So, $60$ has turned into $15$ per year. Not bad and each year that I go closer to 1 million gallons, definitely planning on backpacking when I'm 80, the per month cost decreases!